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About Country Tours Ltd

Hi! It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome you all onboard. Country Tours is a nationally owned company, founded by a fomer school teacher - Mr. Wako Napasu. He has been teaching, breathing and studying about his country for well over 18 years and knows his country, its people, the way of life and the cultures very well. The relationships he has bestowed with the service providers including hotels, transports, cultural centers in the past is overwhelming. His knowledge of the country geographically as well as the traditional and cultural aspects has enabled him to venture into the tour operation.

About beautiful Papua New Guinea

Not many people know about this country, and those that do seem to have a negative image of PNG. Country Tours will disspell those myths and introduce you to the real PNG. A nation of over 800 languages, cultures and people, a nation of tropical rainforest, sandy beaches, cool mountains and smiling faces. Please click here for more info about our country.



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